Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh my leg...

Today play basketball wit frens in PC again..aiyo..carm lo..
me n cheng yong din wear sport shoes,our leg is damn pain ..dead epithelial..
bt..is quite fun 2day actually..haha
hmm..10 days din touch my blog d lo,haiz..no idea..wat 2 do?a lot of things 'kill' up my time..4 tests was past..bt d result...???duno..can't imagine it..i think..
mayb will hv a surprise oso..

ntg much special recently,no message,no call,no one..i oledy bcome a full-time freeman nw...
oh ya,yday ah mee b.day,haha..almost all TD6 members gv her a great surprise..bt,it's so bad,she nt like wat cess told me ..will shock until die/faint...haha..bt i'm nt hoping she will die o faint for sure..anyway,happy b.day to u oo...

fell in sick 4 days edy..won recover 1,i oso duno y..flu n sorethroat,haiz..
Especially sorethroat..really killing of me slow slowly..i can't sing..tats y i'm suffering nw..damn
i knw i needs a lot of time to get back my voice as usual..
mayb....juz like wat cheng yong told me,
"The one who hard 2 recover from sorethroat is the one who is great in singing"

Haha..such a great quote man..even i know juz a joke,bt..anyway,thx for tis extraordinary consolence..

even busy,even stressful (sometimes),even hv a lot stuffs to complete...bt i really enjoy wat i'm conducting nw,study life in uni is nt easy to get for every teenagers...

juz like small part of my frens oledy terminate their study life in UTAR..duno whr they will go,bt..no matter whr u study,whr u work..keep a right attitude is the way to get success in ur hand.

gt to have a nap nw..tats all lo...

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