Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Almost done...

Aiyo...die oo..today chem test,damn worse ar..scared by phy lecturer smore..average jz 17 marks oni..means...almost all fail lo??
ha..nvm lar..as long as i oledy tried my best,bt..i deem tat tis time phy test 2 is easier den 1st 1 ler..dun u all think too???

hehe..nw,jz left 2 more tests n 1 more assignment within 1 week time.. i'm exhausted edy..i juz 1na fin it as fast as possible...
2mr is xmas eve ler...i think tis year no more countdown in crowded places d lo..damn crowded n dangerous in sg.wang thr..

hei..all my old frens..u all so syok lar..bbq at beach..is a dream for me..
if hv a gf bside me..bbq at beach..look at d star 2gether..Wow..such a nice nice nice thing...
enjoy oo..

Nw i feel tat ,mayb tat day i juz hv some illusion o misconception..actually,i'm nt so like u as i think b4...haha..i start to realize tat..u might nt d gal tat i'm goin to find..
o mayb, i dun hv gut confess 2 u?? duno....contradiction..sad case...

Whenever the CNY is coming soon..my homesick is getting serious n serious..
i wanna eat..kou rou..
i wanna buy 年货..
i wanna buy new clothes...
i wanna hv more income...
and d most important 1...
i wanna see my family for a more long time..
everytime i back home,sure gt difference 1...tis time CNY back home..is to see d new LCD bought by papa..ha..amplifier, 4 speakers..subwoofer..1 VCD player ..2 DVD players..astro..
老豆..u really goin to make our living room like k-room d...haha

2 more days..xmas..
8 more days..new year..
34 more days..CNY..
time past so fast as....bla bla bla...duno hw 2 describe d speed oso ar..

A qns i will owez ask myself..wat u have done in tis year???
tis year..i will ans tat..
2008 is d most special year among d 18 years i had past..

I had bcame single early of the year..
I had c0me to a new life in Pj ..
I had enjoy my stress bt joyful uni life ..
I had make a lot of new frens..
I had bcame more mature..
I had miss my family den last time...
I had knw tat a lot of things..gain more experience of daily life..
I had found you in tis uni..bt..nw i'm goin to let go u edy...
ha..2 much things..i duno hw 2 express by simple words..

2009..i'm coming...bb lar..my enrich 2oo8..


Anonymous said...

so long ya ur story..
im goin to penang later..goin to meet yun fang...den at nite bbq together..
dis year u miss it but nvm,v celebrate every year all together 1,so v meet nxt year =)
Happy Merry Christmas~^^

ChEnG yOnG said...

aku tahu siapa liao...hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

hey,relink me !^^