Monday, February 2, 2009

MY 2 weeks in hometown.. taking many photo during cny period..tis is wat i repentant..
hm..back kulim..see a lot of my old a lot thr i can't meet..sori,i lack of time..i nit 2 back here for d sucks final exam..

cut a short short hair n dye it..ha..
2day when i go skul..many ppl said i chg a lot..
is jz hairstyle n colour oni wat..chg a lot 1 is yong hui lar..haha
anyway,thx a lot for those who praise me..

tis final exam,honestly..i hv no confident at all to get better den last sem..
2 weeks in hometown..jz 3 days lik tat touched my lecture notes..
no do past revise tutorial oso..
ha..geng,i dun 1na forced myself to study those things while others are bz prepare for d celebration of cny..whr gt mood oo?

2009..a lucky beginning year for me..won 200++ from gamble
hope my luck will continue throughout tis year n watever i do will 顺顺利利...

actually a lot of things i 1na 2 much,is better for me 2 keep in mind...hah
laziness is d oni reason...
15th Feb..back hometown by cheap,juz RM 37.50 oni..
back thr to call my frens hang out again...

Hope in d niu year....
1)All my family n my frens n those who i love n those who love me happy everyday,stay health,all d best...

2)All d things i wish 2 do hope can complete in tis year...

tats all..hehe..still left phy,chem,public speaking,math,programming test waiting for me...
on9 1st at nite lar..haha..

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